
We are more than the parts that form us – Patrick Rothfuss

Every year, Pat Rothfuss (we’ve met twice for less than a minute each time.  I call him Pat. Deal) sponsors this gigantic Nerd Driven charity drive called Worldbuilders.  From the website:

Worldbuilders is a charity founded by author Pat Rothfuss in order to use the collective power of readers, fellow authors and book lovers to make the world a better place. During the Worldbuilders fundraiser, Pat blogs about the cool book donations we receive from authors and publishers (and all the other cool swag from artists, webcomics, etc.) Everyone who donates to Heifer International through our Team Heifer page is eligible to receive one or more of those cool books and swag at the end of the fundraiser.

All year round, we run The Tinker’s Packs where you can find cool merchandise inspired by Pat’s books, as well as foreign editions from various fantasy and sci-fi authors, and more recently some of our cool projects like our Worldbuilders and Heifer International Calendar. Profits made by the store go to Worldbuilders.

And Every Year, since I’ve read about this, I’ve donated. I want to say it’s entirely because I’m a giving, kind person, but seriously, some of the swag in this lottery is just insane. You donate – awesome – you help out Heifer, International and allow people to have sustainable agriculture and food and other things we take for granted.  BUT there are also opportunities to win signed books, manuscript editing, comics, hats…frickin…so much stuff…like movies and whatnot. If you like books, movies, books and movies, or books, comics and movies, this is like heaven.  Last year, I totally won a John Connolly book, signed.  I didn’t know his work, but I do now and I dig it. 
You can also bid on auction items! This year, there are Game of Thrones replicas, signed books, nerd gamer stuff, tickets to nerd events and a goddamned handmade Tardis quilt.  (Seriously? wow.)

Also this year? You can win a tarot class with me. 

This class is usually $250.00, but because it’s Pat (we’re tight) and it’s a wonderful opportunity to give, it’s on eBay right now for like, $0.01.  This is a class that I usually only teach quarterly, but we’ll schedule it just for you and you can invite some friends. 
Anyway, go to eBay, bid on the class, and help people get chickens.  Chickens are awesome.

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