Picture it. 2016 Northwest Tarot Symposium. I’m sitting at a table with some other tarot nerds and make an off-color joke (how unlike me) HAAA!, I hear! So loud and clear it was like a bell ringing. I laughed to hear such a laugh! It was Arwen. She’s my people, now. Arwen gives readings with …
Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind. ― Henry James
I would be willing to bet that most Republicans are as appalled by their presidential candidate as I am. I grew up with Republicans, and most of them are honest, hard-working, kind people. My parents are Republicans, and as far as I know, they’ve never grabbed a woman without her permission. They aren’t racist, xenophobic …
Here’s to the magic of choosing your future. – Theresa Reed
I got to know Theresa Reed years ago through Twitter, and have been lucky enough to hang out with her in her hometown for her Soulful Proprietor retreat. She’s the one who reads for *me*. She’s a wonderful reader, teacher and now, author. Combining two of my favorite things – coloring and tarot – her …
asali: honey. swahili, from the arabic عَسَل (ʿasal)
Twitter has introduced me to so many wonderful people over the years. Theresa Reed, Beth Maiden, and Starcana to name a few. I feel like it’s a vibrant vehicle for our tarot community and it just keeps giving. I was talking with folks about the need for more decks with queer people and people of …
It has been an amazing adventure. That’s for sure. – Connie Kick
I met Connie Kick at Theresa Reed‘s Soulful Proprietor workshop. It was love at first sight. She is brash and loud and sweet and funny and we IMMEDIATELY started giving each other shit. Like you do. Connie gave me a great reading and then started with the negative self-talk and doubt and I believe I …